In Chinese Medicine, the face is regarded as a mirror of what is happening in one’s body, mind, and spirit. To keep your face youthful, it is necessary to treat your entire being. Cosmetic Acupuncture uses a combination of modalities including Acupuncture, Facial Acupressure and Tuning Forks.
Cosmetic Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, from the time of the early Chinese emperors, whose concubines used it to stand out from the competition. In modern times, it has been used to successfully treat a range of conditions like Bell’s Palsy or Facial Paralysis.
Its secret lies in addressing the causes of ageing through detoxification and toning of the internal organs. Cosmetic Acupuncture is a dynamic yet holistic anti-ageing treatment that addresses all aspects of health as they appear on the face over time, and ensures you’re looking your radiant best.
A course of cosmetic acupuncture treatments generally consists of 10 to 15 sessions (depending on your age and your skins condition). Each cosmetic acupuncture treatment is $200 per treatment and for optimal results, it is recommended you come in once or twice a week. Each treatment will take 60 minutes and bundles for cosmetic acupuncture treatments (with discounts) are available.
Upon completion of your cosmetic acupuncture plan, you can maintain your full results for up to 10 more years with a simple monthly visit.
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