Acupuncture has stood the test of time when it comes to creating powerful results for your physical health and overall wellbeing. Its deeply relaxing effect allows for the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) to switch off and in turn allows the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (relax and renew), which helps the body slip into its natural healing mode.
Similar to taking some time off to heal and recuperate, or just to switch off, an hour spent in a healing session has been described as having the same instant and positive impact on your body, mind, and spirit. All too often, many clients observe after a session that: “I feel like I’ve just had a holiday!”
The body finds it much harder to regain health under stress, so providing a platform of peace and relaxation is the perfect foundation for healing to occur, for pain to subside, breathing to expand and energy to return.
Some of the areas and concerns that can be addressed by acupuncture include:
Acupuncture addresses your concerns holistically, including all physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your health. You will receive guidance on very practical steps alongside your treatment.
Each session promotes an environment in which you’ll be able to shed a layer of the old, clearing the way to a new, refreshed outlook on your life.
To find out more information on how acupuncture can help you or to book an appointment reach out via our contact page.
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